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Seven Reasons We Love Online Homeschooling

FRIDAY, 15 JULY 2022

There are many families who prefer teaching their children at home rather than enrolling them and making them study within the rigid traditional settings of public or private schools. In case of homeschooling, parents usually need to take full responsibility of their children’s education. To take up the role of a teacher, a parent needs to spend more time with their children. They need to do the hard work and having the patience to educate their kids. This high level of responsibility on parents has been reduced by the introduction of online homeschooling. Online homeschools come up with pre-designed curriculums for the parents to choose from for their children. These online courses also employ certified teachers to assist the students to solve their queries and provide them with genuine feedbacks.

Homeschooling, in general, is preferred by many families. In fact, many families have followed this means to educate their children as a long-time tradition.

Here is a list of top 7 reasons as to why parents as well as students fall in love with homeschooling:

    • Concept of one-on-one attention
      As per certain studies, it has been concluded that the smaller the students-teacher ratio in school, the better the students learn. One-on-one focus is one of the most coveted concepts by students and parents since it has multiple benefits. This concept implies that the students are helped individually to address their personal queries. Teachers ensure that all students master a basic skill or concept before going to a more advanced one. This concept ensures that genuine learning is happening. Homeschools, be it online or traditional strictly maintain a one-to-one ratio of teaching. This is one of the big reasons that parents want their children to be homeschooled.

      Online homeschooling provides students with full-time teachers who give equal attention to every child. There is no room for partiality as in traditional schools. This encourages every student to perform well, be motivated throughout their course and be their best versions.

    • Individualized curriculums to bring out the best in every student
      In case of homeschooling, it is very important for parents to be able to assess their kids’ strength, weaknesses, leaning styles and interests. Homeschooling allows parents to do the same by enabling them to customize their children’s education to maximize learning, strengthen weaknesses and allow focus on special areas of interest or giftedness. This makes kids self-driven and motivated to learn genuinely. They are motivated enough to explore and research more on topics that they find difficult or are interested in. Thus, kids actually fall in love with learning! Too good to be true, right! But it is true.

      Online homeschools come up with a wide variety of online curriculums. Most of these are specially designed curriculums. Students can tailor their curriculums to fit their lifestyle and learning style as well.

    • Sense of independence and responsibility in the child
      Homeschooling inculcates the sense of independence and responsibility in children. Most of the children are unlikely to follow the ideas of a group without first making up their own minds. College students who have graduated from homeschools express that they feel more mature and organized than their class mates. No wonder since they exactly know how to think for themselves. They are good at decision-making. They are usually not influenced by peer pressure in general. This is how homeschooling not only leads to the academic growth of a student but also shapes up his or her personality.

      To succeed in an online homeschooling course, a student needs to be diligent, regular and has to take the ownership of this own tasks and assignments. This is because they do not have any “live” teachers or peers to poke and remind them about the deadlines. They need to keep a track of their performance themselves as well in order to strive for excellence. These skills are very important in life and needs to be developed while a person is in his or her school life.

    • Self-generated Pace
      A student who is expected to learn as per a generalized pace may have a harder time comprehending their course work. Thus, they might find it challenging to cope up. They might tend to skip a few topics in between to keep up, which is not a healthy way of learning for sure. Also, a student might find themselves being held back if their learning rate is faster than the pace of a traditional high school class. A student enrolled in an online high school can learn at his or her own pace to gain a better and deep understanding of the subject. This is how they can combat the difficulties faced in traditional classroom setting.
    • Same set of standards
      An online high school experience usually revolves around a set of standards and competencies that are pretty constant. Thus, there is no unpredictability found here as within a public school setting. A student will be required to be an expert in these various standards and course competencies in order to earn credit from an online high school.
    • Engaging mode of learning; no room for boredom
      In homeschooling, learning is specifically personalized to individuals. It makes them motivated by enabling them to put consistent effort into learning. The best part is that students do not have to waste time on what they already mastered.

      Online homeschooling comes with multiple formats to impart quality education to students. These multimedia includes video lessons, audio-books, PowerPoint presentations, high-quality images, bars, charts etc. Thus, education is not only limited to the black-and-white board and the monotonous lectures. The best part is that students can select the medium through which they want to learn. A visual learner shall opt for video lessons, an auditory learner might opt for audio-books while a kinesthetic learner would prefer participating in the fun-filled activities that are organized online by the homeschool. Thus, they are never given the scope to get bored!

    • Safe learning environment
      Homeschooling children are not subjected to teasing, bullying, negative peer pressure, bad influences, and in some cases, bad, misbehaving and partial teachers. No wonder the home is the ultimate safe zone for any child. Since the child feels relaxed and safe, he can channel his entire focus on his studies and is more likely to come up with a brilliant performance that he might not had shown while being in the previous traditional school.
    • Makes the family bond stronger
      There is no denying that homeschooled children have the added advantage to spend more time with their parents, siblings and other close ones. Parents are actually able to watch their children grow. Children can join their families in travel ventures or while practicing their religion. They can participate in all these family events without getting their coursework hampered. Also, they inculcate moral and family values along with doing well in academics.
    • Caters to special needs
      Homeschooling is a huge blessing for children who are disabled in some way, or not behaving according to the norm. Some of them might have good intellect but are unable to perform well due to the pressure of the traditional classroom.

Online homeschools come up with specialized curriculums for the special children to enable them to perform the best they can.


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